Today brought much joy to our family. When we are able to make Mass, the outlook is much better. I always feel like when I make Mass I am giving God the controls of my day. I don't always make it the entire day, but I am trying to let God lead me. He does a much better job and I am actually more tolerable when I let Him run the show.
Chloe was the lecture again for the second time. She improved from last week. She received lots of recognition from parishioners today, so let's hope this gives her encouragement.
Mary lost a tooth, I didn't get the entire story. Something about playing like dogs and was biting a pillow....sounds like a Mar-Mar tale. Anyways! it's under her pillow and I have to cough up a buck or two.
For the sake of His sorrowful passion;
Have Mercy on us and on the whole world.
Mary LOST a tooth! Cute ....SO happy for youI know morning Mass is important to you. Someday I will go more too....but at least Dehvin goes and atake her sisters...Many Graces for them Iknow...But I know WE moms get Mnay Graces as well....We are living our lives....