Friday, August 6, 2010

Chat Chat Chat

After Mass today, we had planned a kayak trip on the Chattahoochee guided by Father Sullivan. The skies open up around 1:00 and the thunderstorm began. I was sure we would cancel the trip. I mean lightening was popping all around the house. No chance of backing out, "our hope is in the Lord, the water is warm, it will be an adventure". Yes! Father, as you say, if you say were going, I'll go. Go we did. By the time we had the kayaks in the water, it was down to a drizzle of rain and thunder far off in the distance. The storm had moved ahead of us. After about 20 minutes in the water, it was delightful. The air smelled wonderful and the birds were alive with song. It was easy to see God's handiwork along the river.

This was the first stop of the day....we had a little celebration here and moved on.
Rick was a natural with maneuvering the kayak and blazed new trails. Even when he had to paddle with his hands....thats a short story.

Our crafts waiting as we visit with the Majors along the river. This is where Rick's paddle got away for a few minutes.
We were on the water a few hours. We are waiting to see what parts of our bodies, arms, shoulders, backs are sore tomorrow. The river was mild today, even with the rains. No one was tossed....Praise be to God. I did go down one rapid backwards and did a few 360's, but it was a good learning experience. Can't wait to take the girls on a shorter ride.

The end of the trip had us back at some parish friends house. Unbelievable hospitality here in North Georgia....she had blueberry pancakes and coffee cooking when we got back. OK, can you say, "hit the spot?" We borrow their kayaks, their truck, their river access and they feed us and drive us home. I love this place. God is soooo amazing.

1 comment:

  1. Good Morning Erika,
    I have decided to make my blog private. Here is my e-mail. I will need your e-mail to invite you to read if you wish.
